Holy Tirtha is the first bottled cocktail in Indonesia made from a blend of Balinese alcoholic beverages, distillation of coconut, spices and other ingredients which are the heritage of the archipelago’s ancestors. Holy Tirtha provides a cocktail sensation that is different and thick with Balinese culture so that Holy Tirtha has a unique taste and is second to none.
Currently, Holy Tirtha has two superior variants, namely Kecarum and Cempaka, each of which has a different unique taste. In terms of security, Holy Tirtha has obtained permits from BPOM and Customs for its distribution, so it has passed strict inspections before Holy Tirtha reaches our customers.
Kecarum's Holy Tirtha is bold spicing cocktail with unique taste combination of Kemangi Leaves (Ocimum africanum) extract and the famous Balinese spirit, Arak Bali.
Cempaka's Holy Tirtha is light refreshing cocktail with unique taste combination of Cempaka Flower (Magnolia champaca) extract and the famous Balinese spirit, Arak Bali.
“...Holy Tirtha always upholds Balinese values & culture, thus creating a unique cocktail taste that is second to none...”
Make it count, you just become a true #holyfans. Holy Tirtha in everytime and everywhere you go. For a blessed happines.
Strong Holy Lady
IDR 149.000
HT Tagline
IDR 149.000
22.23.24 July 2022, Lippo Mall Kuta, Bali. #RaceInParadise
As a true #holyfans, we have some unique story across country about how they experience Holy Tirtha as their part of life.